wild wellness experience

Wellness Paths

What is the Wild Wellness Experience Wellness Path?

It’s a guided wellness path lasting about 2 hours with emotional rituals and surprise holistic treatments, performed by an operator trained by AssoSauna.

Wellness rituals and ceremonies are chosen based on the path, the number of people, the season, and the specific situation, among the following:

Welcome herbal tea

Neck massage

Sauna show with essential oils

Chakra activation with hot stones

Meditation experience

Ritual for light feet / legs

Facial ritual / eye contour

Sensory whirlpool


Honey mask

Russian Banja in the Panoramic EcoSauna

Kneipp ritual with tempering reaction

Immersion in the biolake

Cryotherapy in the regenerating tub

Sound bath with Tibetan bells in the Barbera barrel

In the natural garden, with aromatic herbs and edible plants, there are:

Hammam with the magic of mist-effect steam

Panoramic eco-sauna heated with wood as Nordic tradition demands

Whirlpool also heated with wood

Real Barbera barrel dedicated to a wellness experience
Biolake with aquatic plants, water lilies, and lotus flowers
In this environment, we offer holistic experiences in direct contact with nature, making our Wild Wellness Experience even more unique and exciting.

The stages of the “WILD WELLNESS” Wellness Path

Exciting sensory experiences to live in Nature


Guests are welcomed with a welcome herbal tea and, during this first introductory phase, they are pampered with a very relaxing light neck massage.

wild wellness experience entrata percorso
wild wellness experience sauna interno


The path includes 2 saunas, one Finnish and the other Russian, and 1 steam bath.
Guests will experience some wellness rituals for multisensory stimulation.

Among the benefits of the sauna and Hammam are:

  • Body detoxification
  • Improved circulation
  • Muscle and mental relaxation
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Relaxing effect on the nervous system
  • Toxin elimination and skin purification
wild wellness experience bio lago


After exposure to the heat of the sauna, nothing is more invigorating than contact with cold water.
The body begins to reactivate, and the blood flows more energetically; without this phase, the sauna experience is not complete and cannot provide all of its benefits.

During the path, you can perform the cold reaction with a shower, a Kneipp ritual, or immersion in the biolake for a true Wild experience.

wild wellness experience massaggio piedi


A moment of relaxation to be pampered with some rituals, such as a small acupressure and energy drainage treatment on the feet, ideal for enhancing the sauna’s circulation benefits in the legs.

wild wellness experience idromassaggio


Immersion in the wood-heated whirlpool in the heart of the garden where you can admire the surrounding landscape and the vastness of the sky.

Guests will be offered a glass of organic wine from Tenuta Antica to combine pleasure with well-being!

wild wellness experience bagno sonoro


One of the most exciting rituals of the path is the sound bath with Tibetan bells, ancient therapeutic and spiritual instruments. Their sounds and vibrations are the perfect conclusion to harmonize all the benefits received and complete the experience.

wild wellness experience bagno sonoro

Buy a Wellness path

Stress and tension can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. A ritualized and holistic wellness path can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation of body and mind. With a combination of techniques such as meditation, massage, and music therapy, this path can lead to greater self-awareness and a state of total well-being.

Invest in your health by choosing a holistic wellness program today!

Sauna & Hammam

Sources of well-being and relaxation

The sauna, Finnish or Russian, uses the principles of dry heat and the Hammam of humid heat.
In any case, our body will benefit from important effects of relaxation and stress reduction, improvement in circulation, purification of the body, and improvement of the skin.

In general, the sauna is recommended to promote proper heart circulation, while the Hammam is more suitable for the well-being of the respiratory tract.

wild wellness experience ninfee


The sauna is a room entirely lined with untreated wood inside which the temperature reaches even 80°-90°. The heat comes from a stove that heats lava stones. Since with this system the air is rather dry (humidity levels hardly reach 15-20%), next to the lava stones, there is a bucket of cold water with scented essences.

With a ladle, water is taken and thrown onto the stones, generating some steam that perfumes the environment. Inside the sauna, there are also wooden benches. On these, you sit or lie down. It is not necessary to reach the maximum temperature of 80°-90, you can already start to get benefits for the body at 50°, as long as you don’t exaggerate with the exposure: it is advisable not to go beyond 10 minutes.

Our sauna, with its particular barrel shape, and the hydromassage tub were made in Estonia by expert craftsmen with first choice solid wood from the forests of Northern Europe, dried naturally for more than two years and also heat-treated.

wild wellness experience ninfee


The Hammam is an ancient wellness treatment that involves a relaxing stop in a very hot and humid environment to purify the body through sweating while also positively affecting the nervous system, skin, and blood and lymphatic circulation.

It takes place in a closed environment where the internal temperature ranges from 40°C to 60°C and increases as you move from bottom to top. Heat is distributed throughout the environment through vents from which steam emerges, creating a kind of mist with a humidity percentage ranging from 90% to 100%. Sweating is less intense than in a very hot and dry environment like the sauna, but since the stay is longer, the final result often is that the amount of sweat released is higher.

To offer a complete wellness path in nature, it was essential to have the Hammam in the garden, but there are no outdoor solutions, and building it from scratch was too complex and costly a project.

We realized it by purchasing a prefabricated Hammam for 6 people with ergonomic seats, complete with an external control panel and temperature measurement probe. To close and insulate it, a custom-made covering was made with insulated panels. Thus was born the first Wild Hammam!

The Biolake

In a garden area, we created an ornamental biolake with aquatic plants like water lilies, lotus flowers, and marsh plants… The aquatic garden represents the highest level of harmony with nature because it is perfectly integrated into the surrounding ecosystem.

The clarity of the water is guaranteed by the presence of specific aquatic, marsh, and floating plants that purify and oxygenate the water through a phytodepuration process.

Near the pond, you can take a break from the hectic everyday life.
You can admire the different colors and scents of water lilies and lotus flowers, observe the aquatic and marsh plants in harmony with the rest of the pond’s life, listen to the croaking of frogs and the fluttering of dragonfly wings, or simply the sound of water…

wild wellness experience ninfee

Lotus Flower

It is an aquatic plant that emerges from the mud, opening up to the sunlight until it blooms on the water with its magnificent colors.

Long considered divine, it is one of nature’s mystical creations, representing purity of mind and soul.

The lotus flower, due to the fact that it emerges on the surface of lakes without being touched by the mud from the depths of the water, represents pure spirit, rebirth, beauty, transcendence, and resurrection.

wild wellness experience ninfee

Water Lilies

A symbol of purity, the water lily is that flower that emerges from the mud in all its whiteness.

Already known in ancient Egypt, the water lily is a water flower symbolizing whiteness, purity, and sometimes platonic love.

It also indicates awareness of one’s vulnerabilities.

Activities for Wellness

Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation with a variety of massages and therapeutic treatments. Take advantage of this opportunity to give your body and mind a pampering of true wellness.

Wellness Stays

A vacation to relax surrounded by the Nature of the Langhe. In this environment of rural tranquility, you can spend relaxing stays away from stress and city chaos with the opportunity to be in contact with nature and take walks on foot or by bike through woods and hills.

Book your Wellness Path now

For the whole family, for couples, or in groups.


+39 339 7951498

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